Outwar FAQ and hints

Newb Stuff
Newb Stuff
Ow News

Hello,all you outwar newbs out there.

Ok,first things first. 1.ow: Now newbs you need to know what ow means if you dont know ow means outwar. 2.severs:severs are two kinds of outwars www.outwar.com is the old sever outwar.com is the newer torax but newbs you shound stay with the torax.
3.power:Ok Newbs you dont just get power by clicks or you'll get nowhere try to join a crew the gives out items like "Metal-Gear-Solid" or you can try your luck with diamond city to get items. 4.chp:chp means clicks per hour. 4Money:You get can money my joining crew who give items. 5:points:newbs!Points suck is a scam. 6.black jack dont worry black jack never works.

I hope I UnNewbed you

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